About Us



池田 佳代 (Ikeda Kayo)

薬膳師(Master of Medicinal Herbs)
1969.2.26 生まれ(Born on February 26)
・日本国際薬膳師協会会員/Member of Japan International Yakuzen Association
・四国医療専門学校非常勤講師/Part-time lecturer at Shikoku Medical College
・国際中医師/International Chinese Physician (ZYZY20180016)
・国際薬膳調理師/International Cook of Medicinal Herbs (ICMD-13-C08)
・AEAJ 公益社団法人      日本アロマ環境協会認定 アロマ検定 1 級/Certified by AEAJ (Aroma Environment Association of Japan)
1994 年(株)ワカヤ洋品店入社
25 歳から高松市内にてアパレル販売に携わる。
1994 Joined Wakaya Western Apparel Co.

She has been engaged in apparel sales in Takamatsu City since the age of 25.
In the apparel industry, which places great importance on creating customers, she is able to match herself and her store's customers with the trends of the times. She also collects information to increase customer satisfaction and holds events at the store to offer customers lifestyle suggestions such as "aromatherapy," "walking," "nail care," and "yoga. Currently, she has launched her own brand, "365@Kore Kore Kōjitsu" (365@Kore Kore Kōjitsu), and specializes in sales of her original blend "Kōka-cha" (fragrant tea), personal counseling on medicinal herbs, and lectures.

亀山 初美 (Kameyama Hatsumi)

トータルプロデューサー(Total Producer)
誕生日 3月8日(Birthday March 8)
秘書実務士/Secretarial Practitioner
フードアナリスト(JFAAC認定)/Food Analyst (JFAAC certified)
食農連携コーディネーター/Food and Agriculture Cooperation Coordinator (FACO)
2級キャリア・コンサルタント技能士/Career Consultant Technician
ジョブカード作成アドバイザー/ Job card creation advisor
HACCP伝道師/ HACCP Evangelist
食の6次産業化プロデューサー レベル4/ Food Sixth Industrialization Producer
ラツィオ州認定バージンオリーブオイル鑑定生理学的適合性修了/ Completed the physiological suitability of Lazio certified virgin olive oil appraisal
UMAOオリーブオイル鑑定士 / UMAO Olive Oil Appraiser
食育イノベーター/Nutrition Education Innovator
ミラサポ専門家 地域密着型地域活性化等のアドバイザー。
農業者の法人設立支援、加工業者の商品開発アドバイス。 ホテル食材アドバイザー。

Coordinates regional cooperation between agriculture, commerce, and industry, starting with the government-certified cooperation between agriculture, commerce, and industry, and the development of the sixth industry.
Member of the working group for the formulation of a regional strategy plan organized by the Kagawa Industry Support Foundation.
Core member of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency "Small and Medium Enterprise Future Conference".
Member of the 6th Industrialization Support Human Resources Committee.
Advisor to SMEs as a Mira-Sapo expert in the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.
Business advisor of the Ehime Industrial Promotion Foundation.
Planner of the Central Support Center for the Sixth Industrialization.
Advisor to the Mira Sapo experts for community-based regional revitalization, etc.
Adviser for agricultural, commercial, and industrial cooperation at Matsuyama Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Overall coordinator of the Plus One Project at the Minamisatsuma City Tourism Association.
Advisor for "Team Minamisatsuma" Furusato Tax Promotion Council.
Travels back and forth between the 47 prefectures from Hokkaido to Okinawa, giving advice based on close contacts.
Assisting farmers to establish corporations, advising processors on product development. Adviser to hotels.

トータルプロデューサー 亀山初美 誕生日3月8日 うお座 AB型 故郷 香川
食の6次産業化プロデューサー レベル4(国家認定制度)

略 歴
ミラサポ専門家 地域密着型地域活性化等のアドバイザー。
農業者の法人設立支援、加工業者の商品開発アドバイス。 ホテル食材アドバイザー。

市川 雅史 (Masahumi Ichikawa)


誕生日 5月2日(Birthday May 2)

JSA日本ソムリエ協会認定ソムリエ/JSA Japan Sommelier Association Certified Sommelier
食品衛生責任者/ Food Hygiene Manager
東京にてホテル、レストラン、カフェ、Bar、ビストロ、など様々な業態で、サービス・ソムリエ業務を中心に、約20 年間の現場経験がある。
2016 年に小豆島へ移住し、地元農作物を活かしたジェラート専門店を新規オープン。新規オープンに合わせ、カルピジャーニ社のジェラート・ユニバーシティーにて本場イタリアのジェラート職人から講習を受ける。オープン後は店舗運営を行いながら、ジェラート製造(小豆島の野菜は果物を中心とし約150種類)やカクテル(50種類)に着手、3年間にわたり売上をのばした。
現在はフリーランスとして、特産品の商品開発、メーカーの販路開拓、飲食店経営・開業サポートなど、コンサルティング業務を行なっている。また持ち前のセンスを活かして、PV制作にも着手している。現在、FOOD CONDUCTICS(フード・コンダクティクス)代表

He has about 20 years of experience in the restaurant industry in Tokyo, mainly as a service sommelier in various types of businesses such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, and bistros. He has experience in all aspects of restaurant operation and management, including menu development, sales promotion, operation construction, and staff training, as well as supporting the launch of many new restaurants (wedding party organizer business, etc.).
In 2016, he moved to Shodoshima and opened a new gelato specialty store using local produce. To coincide with the opening, he took a course at Carpigiani's Gelato University from an authentic Italian gelato maker. After opening the store, he started making gelato (about 150 kinds of gelato, mainly using vegetables and fruits from Shodoshima) and cocktails (50 kinds) while managing the store, and increased sales for three years.
Currently, as a freelancer, he provides consulting services such as product development of specialty products, sales channel development for manufacturers, and support for restaurant management and opening. He is also working on producing music videos using his natural sense of style. He is currently the representative of FOOD CONDUCTICS.

中村 敏樹 (Toshiki Nakamura)

農業プロデューサー(Agricultural Producer)

誕生日 10月22日(Birthday October 22)

日本野菜ソムリエ協会 講師/ Lecturer for the Japan Vegetable Sommelier Association
NPO法人日本食育ランドスケープ協会 副理事/ Vice-Director, NPO Japan Food Education and Landscape Association
栃木県「マルシェとちぎ」専任アドバイザー/ advisor for "Marche Tochigi" in Tochigi Prefecture
(財)都市農山漁村交流活性化機構アドバイザー/ Advisor, Organization for the Revitalization of Urban-Rural Interaction
食農連携コーディネーター/ Coordinator for Food and Agriculture Cooperation
  マルシェ・ジャポン 立ち上げメンバー/ Founding member of Marche Japon
六次産業化プロデューサー認定審査委員/ Member of the screening committee for certification as a producer of the sixth industrialization
1956年、長野県上田市で専業農家の次男として生まれる。幼少期から家業を手伝い、農作業に親しんできたことから、進学の際にも迷わず農業を志し、香川大学農学部園芸学科に入学。卒業後は農産物流通関連企業を経て農協連絡会(現JA香川)へ。青果販売農業協同組合で花卉の栽培指導を担った。退職後、農産物流通会社を立ち上げ独立。同時に、母校の香川大学に戻り、フルーツトマトの栽培研究に取り組む。農家への生産指導や農業コンサルティング事業などにも力を入れていたが、生産から流通まで幅広い経験と知識による指導が評判を呼び、各方面から講義・講師依頼が殺到。年間220回以上もの講演を行うこともあった。2010年、満を持して自宅のある香川県高松市に自身の農園「コスモファーム」をオープン。栽培面積の小さな圃場9箇所を借り受け、狭い土地を生かした「多品目少量栽培」を主軸に、6次産業化にも取り組み成功を収めている。現在は、高松と事務所のある横浜を行き来しながら、講演活動で全国を飛び回る日々を送っているg。現在、有限会社コスモファーム 代表。

モットー  :「日本の農業を元気にする!」

He was born in 1956 in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, as the second son of a full-time farmer. Since his childhood, he has helped in the family business and has been familiar with farming, so he did not hesitate to pursue agriculture when he entered the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University. After graduation, he worked for an agricultural product distribution company before joining the Agricultural Cooperative Liaison Association (now JA Kagawa). He was in charge of guiding the cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants at the Agricultural Cooperative for Fruit and Vegetable Sales. After retiring, he established an agricultural product distribution company and became independent. At the same time, he returned to his alma mater, Kagawa University, to work on fruit tomato cultivation research. He also focused on providing production guidance to farmers and agricultural consulting services, and his guidance based on his extensive experience and knowledge of everything from production to distribution was well-received, and he was inundated with requests for lectures and lecturers from various fields. In 2010, he opened his own farm, "Cosmo Farm," in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, where he lives. He rented nine small plots of land and has been successful in his efforts to develop a sixth industry, focusing on "multi-crop, small-quantity cultivation" by making the most of the small area. He currently divides his time between Takamatsu and Yokohama, where his office is located, and travels around the country giving lectures.

Motto: "Revitalize Japan's agriculture!

林 延行 (Nobuyuki Hayashi)

フードコンサルタント(Food Consultant)

誕生日 12月21日(Birthday December 21)

・UMAO鑑定士コース修了/Completed the UMAO Appraiser Course
・トゥシャ大学主催ドライイング・グレープとワインのクオリティーコース修了/Drying Grapes and Wine Quality Course at Tusha University
・バージンオイル鑑定士イドネイターコース修了/Virgin Oil Appraiser Idonator Course
・ラツィオ州認定オリーブ鑑定士コース修了/Certified Olive Oil Appraiser for the Lazio Region
・イタリア共和国認定オリーブオイル鑑定士帳簿に登録/Registered as a certified olive oil appraiser in Italy.
・UMAO認定チーズ鑑定士コース修了/UMAO Certified Cheese Appraiser Course
・UMAO認定プロシュット鑑定士コース修了/ UMAO Certified Proscuitto Appraiser Course
・CITTA DELLA NOCCIOLA協会ヘーゼルナッツ鑑定士コース修了/Certified hazelnut connoisseur course by CITTA DELLA NOCCIOLA
1998年より渡伊 ITPC Einaudi Viterbo エイナウディ商業高校卒業後、Università della Tuscia トゥシャ大学醸造学部入学 大学時代はヘーゼルナッツや果樹に関するプロジェクトを幅広く手掛けた。ワイナリー・ルーパ社(ラツィオ)にて醸造責任者担当を経て2013年独立 日本とイタリアのコーディネート、企業のコンサルタントを行う。2017年合意会社CUBEを設立。現在も企業のコンサルタント、ヘーゼルナッツ、オリーブオイル、プロシュット等の食を探求し、食の魅力を発信している。現在、合資会社CUBE 代表。

After graduating from ITPC Einaudi Viterbo Einaudi Commercial High School, he entered the Faculty of Oenology at Università della Tuscia Tuscia University, where he worked on a wide range of projects related to hazelnuts and fruit trees. After working as a winemaker at Winery Lupa (Lazio), he became independent in 2013, coordinating between Japan and Italy and working as a consultant for companies. 2017 he founded the agreement company CUBE. In 2017, he founded the consensus company CUBE. He continues to work as a consultant for companies, exploring hazelnuts, olive oil, prosciutto, and other food products, and promoting the appeal of food. He is currently the president of CUBE, a limited partnership.

熊 基郎 (Mikio Kuma)

フードコンサルタント(Food Consultant)

誕生日 9月1日(Birthday September 1)

食農連携コーディネーター/ Food and Agriculture Cooperation Coordinator (FACO)
食の6次産業化プロデューサー レベル3/ Level 3 Producer for the 6th industrialization of food
フードアナリスト/ Food Analyst (JFAAC)
6次産業化プランナー / Sixth industrialization planner
ライフコンサルタント/ Life Consultant
岡山大学情報工学科卒業後、当時の通産省が設立したIFI ビジネススクールにてファッションマネジメントを2年間学ぶ。その後、東京のコンサルティング会社にて百貨店、外資系企業のコンサルティングを行う。 その後地元香川に戻り、高松丸亀町商店街振興組合に入会し、商店街運営に携わる。組合専務理事、高松丸亀町まちづくり株式会社の取締役に就任し、都市再開発事業に携わった。都市再開発事業に携わる過程において、テナント開発、テナントリーシングおよび年間200回を超えるイベントを運営管理などソフト事業行った。また、農業者と連携し商品開発やマルシェ運営も手がけた。講演会は年間100回を超えて全国で行った。 現在は、これまでの経験を生かし、全国で事業の立ち上げや商品開発に携わっている。また、海外進出の第1弾としてフィリピンに営業拠点を設立。海外進出を考えている企業や農業者の進出サポートを行っている。

After graduating from the Department of Information Engineering at Okayama University, he studied fashion management for two years at IFI Business School, which was established by the then Ministry of International Trade and Industry. After that, he worked for a consulting company in Tokyo, where he provided consulting services to department stores and foreign companies. He then returned to his hometown in Kagawa and joined the Takamatsu Marugamemachi Shopping Street Promotion Association, where he was involved in the management of the shopping street. He became the executive director of the association and director of Takamatsu Marugamemachi Machizukuri Corporation, and was involved in urban redevelopment projects. In the course of the urban redevelopment project, he was involved in tenant development, tenant leasing, and the operation and management of over 200 events per year. He has also been involved in product development and marché management in cooperation with farmers. He has given more than 100 lectures a year throughout Japan. Currently, he is using his experience to launch businesses and develop products across the country. He also established a sales office in the Philippines as the first step of his overseas expansion. He is providing support for companies and farmers who are thinking of expanding overseas.