日本野菜ソムリエ協会 講師/ Lecturer for the Japan Vegetable Sommelier Association
NPO法人日本食育ランドスケープ協会 副理事/ Vice-Director, NPO Japan Food Education and Landscape Association
栃木県「マルシェとちぎ」専任アドバイザー/ advisor for "Marche Tochigi" in Tochigi Prefecture
(財)都市農山漁村交流活性化機構アドバイザー/ Advisor, Organization for the Revitalization of Urban-Rural Interaction
食農連携コーディネーター/ Coordinator for Food and Agriculture Cooperation
マルシェ・ジャポン 立ち上げメンバー/ Founding member of Marche Japon
六次産業化プロデューサー認定審査委員/ Member of the screening committee for certification as a producer of the sixth industrialization
1956年、長野県上田市で専業農家の次男として生まれる。幼少期から家業を手伝い、農作業に親しんできたことから、進学の際にも迷わず農業を志し、香川大学農学部園芸学科に入学。卒業後は農産物流通関連企業を経て農協連絡会(現JA香川)へ。青果販売農業協同組合で花卉の栽培指導を担った。退職後、農産物流通会社を立ち上げ独立。同時に、母校の香川大学に戻り、フルーツトマトの栽培研究に取り組む。農家への生産指導や農業コンサルティング事業などにも力を入れていたが、生産から流通まで幅広い経験と知識による指導が評判を呼び、各方面から講義・講師依頼が殺到。年間220回以上もの講演を行うこともあった。2010年、満を持して自宅のある香川県高松市に自身の農園「コスモファーム」をオープン。栽培面積の小さな圃場9箇所を借り受け、狭い土地を生かした「多品目少量栽培」を主軸に、6次産業化にも取り組み成功を収めている。現在は、高松と事務所のある横浜を行き来しながら、講演活動で全国を飛び回る日々を送っているg。現在、有限会社コスモファーム 代表。
モットー :「日本の農業を元気にする!」
He was born in 1956 in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, as the second son of a full-time farmer. Since his childhood, he has helped in the family business and has been familiar with farming, so he did not hesitate to pursue agriculture when he entered the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University. After graduation, he worked for an agricultural product distribution company before joining the Agricultural Cooperative Liaison Association (now JA Kagawa). He was in charge of guiding the cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants at the Agricultural Cooperative for Fruit and Vegetable Sales. After retiring, he established an agricultural product distribution company and became independent. At the same time, he returned to his alma mater, Kagawa University, to work on fruit tomato cultivation research. He also focused on providing production guidance to farmers and agricultural consulting services, and his guidance based on his extensive experience and knowledge of everything from production to distribution was well-received, and he was inundated with requests for lectures and lecturers from various fields. In 2010, he opened his own farm, "Cosmo Farm," in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, where he lives. He rented nine small plots of land and has been successful in his efforts to develop a sixth industry, focusing on "multi-crop, small-quantity cultivation" by making the most of the small area. He currently divides his time between Takamatsu and Yokohama, where his office is located, and travels around the country giving lectures.
Motto: "Revitalize Japan's agriculture!