
Training Programs



1) PDCAサイクルに基づく実践力のあるプログラム。「気づき」「基本の習得」「実際にやってみる」「評価・改善方法の習得」思考と実行を同時に学ぶプログラムになります。

2) それぞれの目的に対応した 特化したプログラム構成

3) 個別ニーズに対応したカスタムプログラムも可能おです。


  • * これをしないから商品は売れない 商品企画の10STEPS
  • * これからの商品表示の基本
  • *農業者の経営改善
  • * 新規商品開発メソッド
  • * 現地視察   など

Training Programs

From production to product development and sales, we provide programs that cover the basic principles and skills necessary for each situation.

1) A program with practical skills based on the PDCA cycle. This is a program that teaches you how to think and do things at the same time: “notice,” “learn the basics,” “try it out,” and “learn how to evaluate and improve.

2) Specialized program structure for each purpose

3) Custom programs are also available to meet individual needs.

What we have done in the past

* 10 Steps to Product Planning

*  Basics of product labeling in the future

* Management Improvement for Farmers

* New product development methods, etc.