Oishii Project: Sasagen Edition
事業者名 株式会社笹源
所在地 愛媛県松山市中央1丁目5112
電話 089-925-2203
担当者 代表取締役 篠原 勲
これは、ぜひ皆さんにもお使いいただきたい」と笹源さん。「調味料としてまとめているので、味の構成として⼀つの完成形」と⾃信を⾒せる。ここまでお読みいただいた読者の⽅には、ぜひみかんケチャップの味を想像してみて欲しい。トマトケチャップ同様の酸味と⽢味に、柑橘の爽やかな⾹りがのったそれを。そして、できれば話題性のある調味料として、お求めください。使い勝⼿が良く、クセになること間違いなし! さっそく今夜のメニューに活⽤してみませんか。
事業者名 株式会社笹源
所在地 愛媛県松山市中央1丁目5112
電話 089-925-2203
担当者 代表取締役 篠原 勲
地元の特産物を活⽤して⾃分にしかできないものを! 「みかんケチャップ」というものをご存知だろうか。 多くの⽅に馴染みがあるトマトケチャップは、トマトを原料に作られたケチャップ。 同じように、「みかんケチャップ」はみかんを原料として作られたもの。これを開発したのが、笹源さん。
開発に⾄るまでは、まず中華料理の世界で料理⼈としてキャリアをスタート。その後、独⽴して、地元・愛媛県にてラーメン店を経営。 「ラーメンって、⼀般的には味噌、塩、醤油。この既存のカテゴリーにおいて美味しいラーメンを作る⼈はたくさんおられる。しかし、⾃分の使命は、既存のカテゴリーにはない最⾼のラーメンを作ること。もし神様が天から⾒ておられたとすれば、⾃分にそう⾔われているような気がしたんです」。 「⾃分にしか作ることのできないラーメン」・・・思案の挙句、愛媛県といえばやはり「みかん」に思いが⾄る。「当時、地産地消という⾔葉が広く使われ始めたこと、そして、『地⽅の時代』などと⾔われだしたこともあって、地元の特産品であるみかんを⼤事にしていくことが⾃分の使命だと考えました」。 それから、みかんを活⽤したラーメン作りに着⼿。「みかんの果⾁や果汁は、どうしてもラーメンに合わない。美味しくないんです」。試⾏錯誤の末「みかんの果⽪から使った油を使ったラーメン」を開発。「このオイルは、料理に使える!そういえば、料理に使えるみかんってないな!」。この着想こそが、みかんケチャップの原点となったのです。

Company Overview
Business Name: Sasagen Co.
Location: 1-5112 Chuo, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture
Phone: 089-925-2203
Contact Person: Isao Shinohara
Make use of local products to create something unique! Have you ever heard of “mandarin ketchup”? Many people are familiar with tomato ketchup, which is made from tomatoes. Similarly, mandarin orange ketchup is made from mandarin oranges. It was developed by Mr. Sasamoto.
Before developing it, he began his career as a chef in the Chinese food industry. Later, he established his own company In addition, he runs a ramen store in his hometown, Ehime Prefecture.
Ramen is generally defined as miso, salt, and soy sauce, and there are many people who make good ramen in this existing category. There are many people who make good ramen in these existing categories. However, they do not Our mission is to create the best ramen that does not exist in any existing category. If God is watching from heaven I felt that if you were to tell me that, it would be told to you.
Ramen that can only be made by you” … After much contemplation, Ehime Prefecture is also known for its “Miku”. I was reminded of “Kan. At that time, the foreign language of local production for local consumption began to be widely used and the ‘local The local specialty, mandarin oranges, have been given great importance. I thought it was my mission to do so.
Then, he started to make ramen noodles with mandarin oranges. The “mandarin orange The facial almond and juice of the ramen are inevitably unsuitable for ramen. It doesn’t taste good. After much trial and error, the He developed “Ramen noodles made from the oil from the fruit of oranges. This oil can be used for cooking!
Come to think of it, I don’t have any oranges to use in cooking! This idea is the original inspiration for mandarin orange ketchup. This inspiration is the origin of mandarin ketchup It was a point.
Sour air quality, air quality and fresh citrus nutrients.
The peak color of the eyes is yellow Yellowish color. The slightly yellowish taste is much the same as that of tomato ketchup, with the sourness and nutrients being similar to that of tomato ketchup. Yellowish temperature at the time of application. This is the feature of Mikan Ketchup. For example, acidity, air quality and citrus taste can be added to carpaccio. For example, sourness and citrus nutrients can be added to the surface of the carpaccio.
Examples of dishes that require the taste of tomato ketchup but are difficult to watch as an appetizer are: “Ketchup can be used as an accompaniment to chopped skipjack tuna or as a substitute for orange sauce on cold greens. Yellow-colored ketchup is the most popular color in Korea, and is sure to be a hit in any kitchen. The ingredients are “actually not too different from tomato ketchup. Nutritionally speaking, it’s the same as the nutrition in mandarin oranges.
With the idea of using mandarin oranges in cooking, Sasagens also makes mandarin ketchup and mandarin dressing. The idea of using mandarin orange as a cooking ingredient is also a confectionery,” he said. The fruit of the mandarin orange and the confectionery are a perfect match. But with the oil squeezed from the fruit fruits of mandarin oranges, you can now use mandarin oranges in cooking. This is a great idea.
This is something I would like everyone to use,” says Sasagens. As a seasoning I’m confident that it’s one piece of a complete flavor composition,” he said. For those readers who have read this far, I hope you can imagine the taste of mandarin ketchup. Good. It has the same acidity and air quality as tomato ketchup, but also has a refreshing citrus taste. Cleaned by Preferably as a buzz-worthy condiment. Good to use and addictive. No difference! Let’s use it in tonight’s menu.
Business Name: Sasagen Co.
Location: 1-5112 Chuo, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture
Phone: 089-925-2203
Contact Person: Isao Shinohara
Make use of local products to create something unique! Have you ever heard of “mandarin ketchup”? Many people are familiar with tomato ketchup, which is made from tomatoes. Similarly, mandarin orange ketchup is made from mandarin oranges. It was developed by Mr. Sasamoto.

"I want to create a product that sells! ", "I want to revitalize the community!”
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